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Happily Homeschool Littles Featured Speakers


Curious about what we'll be sharing?

Effective Early Literacy Instruction

by Delilah Orpi

Unlocking Learning Magic: The Impact of Purposeful Play in Homeschooling

by Malia Phelps-Waller

Unschooling Littles

by Pam Laricchia

Understanding the Highly Sensitive Temperament Trait by Megghan Thompson

Creating Your Joyful Homeschool Schedule

by Amanda Schenkenberger

Mastering the Mind Game in Homeschooling for Moms

by Richie Soares

How Self Love May Be The Missing Ingredient in your Homeschool Mama Life

by Kelsey Sorenson

Making Curriculum Work for You & Your Little by Korbalagae Kuawogai

And Much Much More!

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